Nambi Sseppuuya Community Resource Centre

Looking Back on 2015 and to the Future

Posted by Justin Kiyimba on Sunday, January 31, 2016

2015 was another very encouraging year for the Centre as we progress to meet out mission to fight illiteracy, ignorance, poverty and disease through education, training and provision of reading and research materials. We would like to thank all those that have helped the Centre  during the year. The coming year will present its usual challenges but exciting opportunities too as we continue to strive to make the Centre a vibrant, attractive resource for the community and further increase the number of users visiting the Centre.

Children’s Library

A lot of emphasis has been placed on ensuring frequent use of the very well stocked Children’s Library so as to contribute to the improvement of the quality of education. Following an English saying that “you cannot teach an old dog new tricks” the Resource Centre endeavoured to encourage children to acquire the culture of and interest in reading at an early age. Of the 24,402 clients that utilized the Centre.’s resources, 11,210 (45.95.%) were children.

Adult Library, ICT Laboratory and the Research Section

The Resource centre conducted adult literacy classes, ICT Training Sessions, health sensitizations, good land utilization, hand craft making. Encouraged young people both in and out of school to access the centre’s materials for better
performance or acquisition of knowledge and skills. The usage was as follows:

  1. Secondary School Students                            8,621 (35.32%)
  2. Readers from Tertiary Institutions                    1,110 (4.55%)
  3. Adults mainly out of school                              3,461 ( 14.18)

24,402 for a rural population that few years ago had very little access to any form of reading material was abig achievement


The Resource Centre building need to be a little more attractive especially the children’s Library. The Centre should attract more workers to come and serve the community using the abundant resources that are available. This can only happen with acquisition of adequate financial resources to pay the workers. With adequate staff a lot more people can access the Centre’s abundant resources. Equally important, the Centre’s services need to be expanded and sustained both now and long after its founders have been called by their creator.

Setting up a Resource Centre Income Generating Project

In view of the above consideration, the Kiyimba family and Management of the Resource Centre have decided to put up an Income Generating Project (IGU) in form of a Rental Residential Building / Buildings, God willing, both to develop and sustain the Centre and its services. The first step was to acquire a plot of land to set up the Project. Secondly, a plan for the first Residential Building was drawn up. The next step was to source for funding.

Grace Burleigh Residential Building

Two long term friends of the Kiyimba family James and Grace Burleigh planned a trip to Uganda from the United States early 2015. Their desire was to visit Nambi Sseppuuya Community Resource Centre, a Centre in whose development they have participated since its inception. They booked flights and purchased air tickets ready to undertake the journey. But God’s ways are not our ways. God had not planned for Grace to physically visit Uganda. Grace was called by the Lord just a few days to the trip!

After bidding Grace farewell, Jim informed the Kiyimba family that some funds were raised in honour of Grace during her funeral. He further informed the family that he would like to send those funds to the Resource Centre for its development activities. He asked us about the Resource Centre’s immediate requirements. We informed him about the Income Generating Project for the long term sustainability of the Centre. His response was, “the idea is good but this money is not much, do you have any plans to raise more funds for the project’s completion which is envisaged to cost more than USD50,000?”

The family informed James that they were prepared to start with any amount of money they can raise. James sent the money that has enabled us to start a 3 Unit Building hich we decided to name after our long term friend, Grace Burleigh. Each Unit has two self contained rooms, a store(pantry) and a shared sitting room. A unit can accommodate two people who choose to share. 

James Reynolds Burleigh husband of the late Grace Burleigh travelled to Uganda from the United States with three other friends, Caren Martin, Richard and Marian Baldy late November, 2015 to visit the Resource Centre. James laid the Foundation Stone for the Grace Burleigh Residential Building on November 20th, 2015. Further contributions have brought Unit One of the Building to near completion.

An Appeal

This Resource Centre has been put up with contributions from the Kiyimba family,friend and well wishers.. We would like the efforts of all those who have sacrificed for the Centre to bear fruit for a much longer time. We are therefore calling upon friends of the Kiyimba family especially friends of Irene Nambi Sseppuuya and well wishers to contribute towards the completion of this Income Generating Project for the long term sustainability of the Centre

What has so far been done

With the US$ 13,000 raised by James Burleigh and friend, we have managed to do the entire foundation for the three Units up to slab level. The following has also been done on Unit One of the builiding: 

  1. It has been roofed.
  2. All door frames  both insideand outside as well as window frames have been procured and fitted.
  3. Wiring for electrical installation has been done.
  4. Basic Plumbing works have been done.

What is required:

A. What is remaining on Unit One before it can be rented out is

  1. Plastering both inside and outside
  2. Doing the floor
  3. Painting both inside and outside
  4. Completion of electrical installation
  5. Completion of plumbing works and water installation
  6. Putting glass in outside doors, windows and shutters in indoor doors

All the above need US$ 8000.

B. We need another US$ 40,000 to complete Units Two and Three of the Building whose Foundation has already been done.

A word of thanks

We look forward to another eventful year at Nambi Sseppuuya Community Resource Centre


Justin N. Kiyimba

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