Nambi Sseppuuya Community Resource Centre

Solar Energy at NSCRC

Posted by Justin Kiyimba on Thursday, March 23, 2017

A common barrier to informing, educating, and entertaining in Uganda is power. Power is expensive and unreliable (it consistently goes off for hours to days). Brandy Yagelniski, one of our Canadian interns, created a fundraising webpage which, thanks to the generosity of many people, successfully fundraised enough money to purchase solar panels for NSCRC. Solar energy enables NSCRC to become self sufficient, have consistent access to sustainable power, and take a huge step towards being environmentally friendly. More importantly, having solar energy allows the community members regular access to reading materials every evening; a time when students want to do homework and study as well as many individuals have free time to read. Brandy Yagelniski and everyone at NSCRC would like to acknowledge the incredible generosity of so many friends and family member’s world wide. Without you’re help, solar energy at NSCRC would not have been possible. 

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