Nambi Sseppuuya Community Resource Centre

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and Thank You!

Posted by Kristopher Schmitz on Tuesday, January 11, 2011

While Brent and Kris have been away from the centre and Igombe for a small break for the holidays much activity has been going on.  The floor has been completed in the large room with a few minor adjustments still remaining.  Windows have been installed in the room to provide protection from the sun and prying eyes.  While most of the donations we have received have gone towards construction of this new room, we also have bought some new games and activities that visitors to the centre have started to enjoy.  Our Christmas party was a huge success and many people enjoyed the miming, dancing, eating competitions and guessing competitions.  Brent and Kris bought a DVD player as their own gift to the centre, and the numerous donations helped ensure that many new visitors came to the centre and had a good time.   With the completion of the large room we are excited to implement a schedule at the centre and attempt to encourage new visitors to come and use its resources.  We are going to continue organizing events aimed at the younger members of the community as well as trying to draw the older population to visit us for information sessions and discussions.  Thank you once again to everyone who has donated, and we look forward to new and continuing support as we move forward and try to integrate the resource centre more completely into the community.  We will try and update more as we implement and try new programs and welcome any suggestions of how to engage the older members of the community.  Thank you once again for helping us obtain our goal for Christmas and giving those In Igombe and surrounding areas greater use of the resource centre.

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